Aconite [Acon]
In the very first stage, when the lids are swollen, red, hard, with a tight feeling in them, great heat, dryness, burning and sensitiveness to air, caused by exposure to cold, dry wind; fever, with great heat and thirst; hardly any lachrymation.
Alumina [Alum]
Chronic inflammation of the lids (particularly if complicated with granulations); burning and dryness of the lids, especially in the evening; itching dryness and excoriation of the canthi; absence of lachrymation; eyes generally better by being bathed; very little destruction of tissue.
Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]
Chronic blepharophthalmia of children; soreness of outer canthi; eyes red, inflamed, with itching and nightly agglutination and morning photophobia; inflammation of lachrymal
gland duct.
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
Obstinate cases in which the lids are red, swollen and moist, with pustules on the face; especially in cross children: PUSTULES ON THE CILIARY MARGIN.
Apis [Apis]
Incipient stage, before the formation of pus; great puffiness of the lids, especially of the upper, with stinging pains; reddish blue swelling of the lids; lachrymation profuse, hot and burning; relief from cold water; chronic blepharitis, with thickening of the conjunctiva, with aversion of the lower lid; mucous secretion during night, agglutinating the lids, causing much pain when attempting to open them; granulations on edges of lids.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Lids very sore, red and swollen; profuse, thick, yellowish, bland discharge from the eyes, with firm agglutination in the morning; headache; pain in root of nose, etc.; relieved in the cold air, or by cold applications; ciliary blepharitis from being over a fire; after measles; purulent ophthalmia of adults or children.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Burning in the oedematous swollen lids; lachrymation profuse, hot and acrid, excoriating the lids and cheek; cachexia, with great restlessness, aggravation after midnight; thirst, etc.
Aurum [Aur]
Blepharitis in scrofulous or syphilitic subjects after the abuse of mercury; lids red and ulcerated, with stinging, pricking or itching pain in them; ciliae rapidly fall out.
Belladonna [Bell]
Swelling and redness of lids, with burning and itching; constant agglutination; bleeding on opening the eyes; aversion of lids or paralytic weakness.
Borax [Bor]
Inflammation of eyes at canthi, with irregularity of the lashes; margins of lids affected; eyelashes loaded with a dry, gummy exudation, stick together in the morning; granulated lids; difficult opening of lids.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Blepharitis in unhealthy, pot-bellied children who sweat much about the head; lids red swollen and indurated; inflammation of the margins of the lids, causing loss of the eyelashes with thick, purulent, excoriating discharge and burning, sticky pain; GREAT ITCHING and burning of the margins of the lids, particularly at the canthi; throbbing pain in lids, (<) morning, on moving the eyes, in damp weather and when writing; scrofulosis.
Calcarea-iod [Calc-i]
Blepharitis in unhealthy children afflicted with enlargement of the glands, and especially of the tonsils.
Causticum [Caust]
Blepharitis, complicated with warts on the eyebrows and lids; amelioration in the open air; feeling of sand in the eye.
Chamomilla [Cham]
Cross, peevish children; great dryness of the edge, or else copious secretion of mucus; nightly agglutination; spasmodic closing or great heaviness of the lids.
Cinnabaris [Cinnb]
Ciliary blepharitis, with dull pain over or around the eyes; dryness of the eye, or considerable discharge.
Croton-tigr [Croto-t]
Blepharitis, with vesicular eruption on the lids and face.
Euphrasia [Euphr]
Lids red swollen; excoriated by the profuse, acrid, muco purulent discharge; lachrymation profuse, acrid and burning.
Graphites [Graph]
Acute blepharitis, complicated with ulcers or pustules on cornea. Chronic blepharitis in scrofulous subjects covered with eczematous eruptions, chiefly on head and behind ears, which are MOIST, FISSURED AND BLEED EASILY; edges of lids slightly swollen, of a pale red color, and covered with DRY SCALES OR SCURFS, or the margins may be ulcerated; outer canthi cracked and bleed easily upon any attempt to open; biting, itching, burning dryness of lids, causing a constant desire to rub them. Moist eczema of the lids, with tendency to crack, while the margins are covered with scales or crusts.
Hepar-sulph [Hep]
After the first stage, when suppuration threatens; lids inflamed, throbbing, aching, stinging, very sensitive to touch; amelioration by heat; eczema palpebrarum, where the scabs are thick and honeycombed.
Kali-mur [Kali-m]
Suppurating points on edges of eyelids; edges scabby; yellow crusts of pus on the edges of lids.
Kreosotum [Kreos]
Blepharitis of infants or adults; discharge of hot, scalding tears early in the morning, (<) when rubbing eyes and when looking into a bright light; agglutination of eyelids.
Mercurius [Merc]
Lids thick, swollen, red, especially along the base of tarsal cartilages, scurfy or ulcerated, sensitive to heat, cold or touch; great photophobia; much acrid lachrymation; conjunctiva discharge, requiring frequent wiping, gumming the lids in the morning; external canthi red, sore and cracked; phlyctenular inflammation of conjunctiva or cornea, (<) in evening after going to bed, from warmth in general, from glare of fire, or from any artificial light; excoriated nostrils; acrid nasal discharge; soft, flabby tongue.
Mercurius-subl-cor [Merc-c]
Pains more severe and spasmodic; lachrymation more profuse and acrid, secretions thinner and more excoriating; lids indurated; inflammatory swelling of cheeks and parts around the orbit, which are covered with small pustules;, at night.
Mercurius-iod-rub [Merc-i-r]
Simple, indolent phlyctenulae; granulated lids, ulceration of cornea; albuginea inflamed and painful; some photophobia.
Mezereum [Mez]
Blepharitis, accompanied by tinea capitis, eczema of lids and head, characterized by thick, hard scabs, from which pus exudes on pressure.
Natrum-mur [Nat-m]
Ciliary blepharitis, especially if caused by the use of caustics (nitrate of silver); catarrhal susceptibility to wind, and the acrid lachrymation in open air makes canthi red and sore; lids thick and inflamed, smart and burn, with a feeling of sand in the eye; lids and cheeks glossy and shining marked photophobia with spasmodic closure of lids.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Chronic blepharitis, dependent upon gastric disturbances, with smarting and dryness, (<) mornings.
Petroleum [Petr]
Ciliary blepharitis; much water discharged from both canthi; lachrymation in open air (not necessary in cold air) and continuing in-doors; inflammation and swelling of the inner canthus, like an incipient lachrymal fistula with dryness of the right side of the nose; burning, biting of the lids; occipital headache, rough skin.
Psorinum [Psor]
Strumous diathesis; old chronic cases with occasional exacerbations with unhealthy, offensive discharge from the eyes; acute cases, where the internal surface of the lids is chiefly affected, with considerable photophobia.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
BLEPHAROADENITIS: great tendency to the formation of styes or abscesses, on the margin of the palpebrae; blepharitis from high living or fat food, accompanied by acne of the face; discharge more often profuse and bland, causing agglutination of the lids mornings; itching and burning of lids; lachrymation (<) in cold draught, or of one eye, with drawing headache, in the evening, in warm room, but (>) in cool, open air.
Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]
Erysipelatous swelling of lids, with vesicles on cheeks; chemosis; profuse lachrymation; (<) at night, in cold, damp weather, (>) by warm applications.
Sepia [Sep]
ACNE CILIARIS; Chronic inflammation of edges of the lids with scales on the ciliae and small pustules on the lid margins; feeling as if the lids were too heavy or as if they were too tight and did not cover the ball; (<) morning and evening.
Silicea [Sil]
Blepharitis, with agglutination of the lids in the morning; objects appear as if seen through a fog; amelioration by wiping the eyes; fluent coryza, from working in a damp place or being in cold air.
Staphisagria [Staph]
Dryness and itching of the margins of the lids, with hard nodules on the borders and destruction of the hair follicles.
Sulphur [Sulph]
Inflammatory redness of the lids, with burning pains; secretion of mucus and eye gum aversion to water, so that he cannot beat to have the eyes washed; eczema around the eye and in other portions of the body; blepharitis after the suppression of an eruption or when the patient is covered by eczema in strumous children, who are cross and irritable by day and feverish and restless at night.
Tellurium [Tell]
Eczema of lids, complicated with moist eruption often behind the ears and offensive otorrhoea, smelling like fish brine.
Thuja [Thuj]
Tinea ciliaris; dry branlike, eruptions on the lids, and dine scales covering the skin generally; eyes weak and suffused in tears; EYE affections of tea drinkers.
Veratrum-vir [Verat-v]
Traumatic erysipelas of the lids, excessive dryness of the lids, with difficulty of moving them; great heat in the interior of the eyes.