In the past, fertility specialists concentrated mainly on the woman when pregnancy failed to occur and was blamed wholly and solely on woman. May be this was because the male psyche equated fertility with virility and considered, failure to father a child with shame. Studies today however show that male infertility is increasing in frequency and 40 % of infertility emanates directly from man. Infect the number of sperm that men are producing has dropped by almost half during the last 40 years, according to several studies. The implications in the sperm decline can have far reaching effects for further generations. The vast majority of men have simply no way of judging their fertility before getting married.
Some man may know that they have a fertility problem: for example- they may suffer from sexual problem of impotence, which prevents consummation of the marriage. The most important test is a simple & inexpensive “Semen Analysis” and for a semen analysis a fresh semen sample not more than half an hour old is needed, after sexual abstinence for at least 2 to 4 days. If this test is done badly by poorly trained technicians in ill-equipped laboratories, its results can be very misleading. If the sample has less than 20 million sperm per ml, this is viewed to be a low sperm count, and less than 10 million is considered very low and this deficiency is called’ ‘oligospermia’. Some men have no sperm at all and this deficiency is identified as ‘azoospermia’. Semen in these patients looks absolutely normal it is only on microscopic examination that the problems is detected. Then it is find out whether the sperm is moving well or not- i.e. sperm motility. Normal shape of the sperm is also taken into account. During ejaculation the semen spurts out asaliguid which gels promptly. This gel liquefies again in some 30 minutes so as to allow free motility to the sperm. If the gel is in thick consistency or fails to liquefy this indicated a problem normally one of infections of the seminal vesicles and the prostate.
The presence of sugar called fructose is also considered. This sugar provides energy for sperm motility, and its absence points to a block in the male reproductive tract.
There are a variety of factors that may affect sperm production and male infertility. These include:
- Current or past infection of the testes (eg, mumps).
- Tumours of the testes.
- Testes that haven't dropped (descended) properly.
- Side-effects of some medicines and street drugs. These include: sulfasalazine, nitrofurantoin, tetracyclines, cimetidine, colchicine, allopurinol, some chemotherapy drugs, cannabis, cocaine and anabolic steroids.
- Although there is an association between an increased scrotal temperature and reduced semen quality, it is still uncertain whether wearing loose-fitting underwear actually improves fertility.
- A varicocele may possibly affect male fertility. A varicocele is common and is like a varicose vein in the scrotum (the skin that covers the testes). Varicoceles are found in just over 1 in 10 men with normal sperm and 1 in 4 men with abnormal sperm. See separate leaflet called Varicocele for more detail.
- Certain hormone problems (eg, problems with the pituitary gland in the brain leading to Cushing's disease or hyperprolactinaemia.

Researchers opinion that toxic chemicals in our environment are one the causes for declining sperm counts. And occupation hazards are also causes low sperm count. People become contaminated with the toxic chemical via food chain. Due to the increasing use of synthetic pesticides & chemical fertilizers. And those who are working in places, where is much exposure to heat or chemical oriented industries are much prone to declining sperm count. However there are more than environmental and occupational hazards that threaten male infertility. Some common medications prescribed by doctors in modern medicine have shown the same disastrous effects as toxic chemicals in declining sperm counts, besides this to much of coffee, cigarette, marijuana drugs & alcohol also the culprits for male infertility. Beyond semen analysis, there is anti sperm anti bodies test, semen culture test, post coital test & bovine cervical mucus test thus it go on endlessly. Some men posses antibodies against the sperm, which immobilizes or kill them and prevent them from swimming up towards the eggs.
Homeopathic system of medicine successfully treats all time inabilities by activating the body mechanism to increase the sperm count & sizes motility of semen etc.
Besides this venereal diseases those communicable through intercourse are also affects male infertility. Impotency is the main culprit of infertility. These all can be treated and cured successfully. In modern medicine medical treatment for male infertility does not have a high success rate and has unpleasant side effects. This simply reflects the modern doctors' ignorance about what causes it, and their knowledge about how to treat it is even more pitiable. Thus the main cause for male infertility are low sperm count, blockage & other impairments due to diseases & injury and sexual dysfunction such as impotency.
Do not loose heart, Homeopathic treats them successfull