Argentum nitricum Dry eyes with Purulent ophthalmia
Argentum Nitricum is an effective homeopathic medicine used in case of eye allergies with an abundant, purulent discharge. The patient develops photophobia, and splinter like pain in the eyes is experienced. The conjunctiva swells.Anxiety & nervousness prominent.
Swelling with yellowish or pus-like discharge, and redness and inflammation of the whites and inner corners of the eyes, suggest the use of this remedy. The person's eyes may be tired and achy, worse from light and warmth, and better from cool water, cold compresses, and fresh air.
Euphrasia for Uvitis with extreme Photosensitivity with Profuse lacrymation
Rheumatic iritis, iris reacts tardily to light, being discolored and bound down by adhesions, and aqueous humor cloudy from the admixture of the products of inflammation; pain burning, shooting, stinging, aggravated at night, attended with acrid lachrymation; photophobia; ciliary injection; coryza perfectly bland.
Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum is for Uvitis with Extreme Pain
Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum is one of the ideal medicines for Iritis Anterior Uveitis with severe pain and redness of the eyes. Severe pain and redness of the eyes.Severe pain in the eyes as if they are being pulled back to the head.
Anterior Iritis Anterior Uveitis iritis with pus in the anterior chamber. The eyeballs feel sore, extremely sensitive to touch and air.
Anterior Iritis Anterior Uveitis iritis with pus in the anterior chamber is well treated with this medicine. The person experiences severe pain in the eyes as if they are being pulled back to the head.
Merc. Cor. Uvitis with Diplopia
Mercurius corrosivus suits normal or syphilitic iritis. Much burning and soreness of the eyes. Deep ulcers on the cornea; acrid lacgrymation with extreme photophobia. Iris is muddy in colour, thick and neither contracts or dilates. Lids are oedematous, red and excoriated. Often there is double vision.It is very good medicine for Iritis Anterior Uveitis. Pain is Burning and tearing pain in the eye. Iris is thick, muddy in color and neither contracts nor dilates when light given.Excessive photophobia with severe pain behind the eyeballs as if they were being forced out.
Merc. Sol with Extreme Photo senstivity
Pain, stinging or aching pain, especially on exerting the eyes. The eyes are extremely sensitive to light, heat or cold. Disorders in persons working in foundries.People needing this remedy often feel ill and tired, with erratic body temperature and sensitivity both to heat and cold. Discharge is greenish-yellow and can irritate the lids and margins of the eyes. A person who needs this remedy often has swollen glands, offensive breath, and excessive salivation.
Thuja Iritis Anterior Uveitis with small soft swelling on iris called gummata
Sycotic iritis or syphilitic, with gummata on iris; eyelids inflamed and have a watery look; LARGE WATERY EXCRESCENCES ON IRIS, with severe sharp sticking pains in eyes, aggravated at night, ameliorated warmth; much heat above and around eye and affected side of head; tearing dull, aching pains in brow, or pain above eye (left), as if a nail were being driven in; ciliary injection.
Suffused, especially in the open air, the tears do not flow down, but remain in the eyes. Inflammatory relaxation of the inner surface of the lid Burning in. Tearing in, in open air. Red sclerotic. Inflammatory swelling of lids. Short - sight. Vision: On one side, near they eye, an appearance in darkness as of flashes of lightning or of sparks, in day light as of dark drops. Objects always appear smaller.
Phosphorus for Iritis Anterior Uveitis when Retinal Degeneration Letter appear Red
Especially for posterior Iritis Anterior Uveitis choroiditis and retinitis.Pain and frequent itching in the eyes. Iritis Anterior Uveitis with degeberative changes in the retina, along with an aversion to light photophobia.Green halo about the candlelight. Letters appear red. Atrophy of optic nerve. Oedema of lids and about e eyes. Pearly white conjunctiva and long curved lashes. Partial loss of vision from abuse of tobacco. Pain in orbital bones. Paresis of extrinsic muscles. Diplopia, due to deviation of the visual axis. Amaurosis from sexual excess.Thrombosis of retinal vessels and degenerative changes in retinal cells. Degenerative changes where soreness and curved lines are seen in old people. Retinal trouble with lights and hallucination of vision.